Corinne Cassini, Alexander Technique teacher, cellist, and gambist, has an established Alexander Technique teaching and training practice in Boone, North Carolina. She performs on the cello or gamba and is a Senior Lecturer of the Alexander Technique (AT) at Appalachian State University, Hayes School of Music.
She is certified by NeVLAT (Dutch Society for the Alexander Technique) and ATI (Alexander Technique International) and is an active member of several professional organizations, taking part in Annual General Meetings and International Congresses.
She completed her three-year Alexander Technique training at ATON in Amsterdam, The Netherlands with Arie-Jan Hoorweg while working as a baroque cellist and teaching cello and French as a foreign language. She then went on to complete two years of post-graduate work under Tommy Thompson at the Alexander Technique Center at Cambridge, MA. Since 2012 she has been enjoying life in the Blue Ridge mountains of Western North Carolina.
Corinne is a versatile, friendly, open, and sensitive person. With her trained hands, she practices the art of communicating directly to someone’s being through their body. She strives to elicit the twinkle in students’ eyes as they discover, learn and apply something new for themselves.
I experience my teacher Corinne as someone with expert hands, hands that I trust. I sense her awareness of me as respectful and caring.
Sylvia v.d.M., student
Corinne was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, and has replaced her mid-western background with a definite European “je ne sais quoi” having Italian and Polish roots and living for most of her childhood and teenage years in the beauty of the Loire Valley (France) and early adult years in Germany and The Netherlands.
As a professional musician, Corinne Cassini loves to work with other fellow musicians and brings to her Alexander Technique teaching the merger of her intimate and personal experience of playing an instrument, performance issues, and the physical and mental challenges of the profession.
As a linguist and multi-cultural citizen of Earth, she has an extraordinary ability to understand people from many different backgrounds and walks of life. To her, the Alexander Technique is also a language, the language of touch, spoken and understood by all regardless of origin, age or race. With her sensitive hands, she practices the art of communicating directly to someone’s being through their body.
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Over the years Corinne has practiced and continues to pursue a variety of interests such as Yoga, Tai chi, public speaking, nutrition, Biodanza, Zen and Vipassana meditation. She brings the richness of her interests and experience to her teaching and particularly enjoys helping people in these fields that she knows and relates well to.
She now divides her time between Boone, NC and her hometown of Angers, in France and teaches and gives workshops in the Alexander Technique in both cities. She is also active as a baroque cellist.
She chose the name Light in Being for her teaching business and website, because when she experienced the Alexander Technique for the first time she was overcome by a sense of lightness which was clearly physical together with a sense of inner glow or light (luminosity) connected on a much deeper level to her sense of Being and soul. With this name she hopes to communicate her personal experience through the Alexander Work.
Corinne is a knowledgeable and interesting person who cares about other people. She had the ability to listen to what I was saying, and use my own vocabulary to explain things back to me. That’s probably the main reason why I felt very comfortable to have her as my teacher.
Raoul B., student